
Summer of Indie Speaks With Lynne Cantwell

Today Summer of Indie spoke with author Lynne Cantwell. Cantwell, who comes from a lengthy career in broadcast journalism, has a master's degree in creative writing from John's Hopkins University, and enjoys writing fantasy novels. Her series, The Pipe Woman Chronicles, features, "Indians, shape shifters, pagan gods and goddesses, mountains, humor, love, and super powers."

We spoke with Lynne Cantwell about the first book in The Pipe Woman Chronicles series, Seized.  
Naomi has a pretty sweet life. Respected as a skilled mediator, she has an almost uncanny knack for getting people on both sides of a dispute to agree. And her handsome boyfriend Brock has just proposed to her. But a white buffalo calf is bowing to her in her dreams. And who is the Native American man who has been following her around?
Yes, things are about to get complicated…

For a video teaser of Seized, readers can visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LfZfOUpHVw&feature=player_embedded 

The second book that we spoke with Lynne Cantwell about was her novel SwanSong, a novel based on an old Irish legend.
Rhyn, a widowed Wolleni, depressed over the death in childbirth of his beloved half-Tslyddi wife, is ordered by the king to marry his dead wife's sister. But the new wife becomes jealous of Rhyn's children -- two sets of twins, a girl and three boys -- and plots to turn them into swans. The spell goes awry, and the children are only partially transformed. Worse, they must spent 900 years in their new shapes, in ever more wild and isolated places -- and they have no guarantee that they will ever be normal again. At least they can still sing.

Based on the Irish tale, "The Fate of the Children of Lir," SwanSong is the story of how Neeve, Kennet, Corwin and Kyl cope with their transformed bodies in a land where magic is dying.
You can order personalized autographed copies of Lynne Cantwell's books from her blog, or you can find Lynne Cantwell online at:
Twitter @lynnecantwell