I asked Robert Stanek several weeks ago if I could do something to help him like he's done for hundreds of others over his several-decades-long writing career. He never really answered, and that, I've found is typical. Robert Stanek is a selfless, big-hearted guy who goes out of his way to help others, day in and day out, not expecting anything in return. My idea was to show some support for the guy who's always supporting everyone else. So I pushed until he finally said, yes, I could write a feature on him, like he's written for everyone else this summer.
I first heard about Summer of Indie when Robert Stanek did the launch party in April (http://readindies.blogspot.com/p/summer-of-indie.html). It sounded like a fantastic event and I was excited about participating. What peaked my interest even more than the event was its host. Robert Stanek is one of the indie pioneers who blazed the trail millions of us indies are following today, and he's also a guy who's had more shit and nonsense shoveled at him than any one I know.
I don't know how many people know that Robert Stanek is the name the more familiar international bestselling William Stanek writes fiction under. It is. This guy's written about 200 books, has been a published pro since '95, went indie in '01, and has sold millions and millions and millions of books. How many millions? I don't know.
His William Stanek web site (http://www.williamstanek.com) lists nearly 50 countries where translated and foreign editions of his books are sold outside the USA along with covers from some of these editions. His Robert Staenk books have been translated into many languages as well. And yet, this down-to-earth guy will sit down and talk with you and treat you like a human being.
Contrast that to the Hockings and Lockes of the indie world who wouldn't give you the time of day if you needed to know to save your life. But don't take my word for it, Robert Stanek hangs out right here at Read Indies (http://readindies.blogspot.com/) where he's spent hundreds of hours of his own time producing Summer of Indie and where you'll find a hundred featured authors this summer.
Robert Stanek also hangs out at Go Indie (https://www.facebook.com/groups/goindie/). Robert Stanek founded Go Indie back in 2007 to help indie authors.
About Robert Stanek
Robert Stanek is the bestselling author of the epic series Ruin Mist Chronicles, which includes Keeper Martin's Tale, Kingdom Alliance, Fields of Honor, and Mark of the Dragon and which was also released for young adults as The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches #1 - #4 and In the Service of Dragons #1 - #4. In 2010, Robert Stanek released the first Ruin Mist comic, Betrayal, A Daughter of Kings #1.
Betrayal (A Daughter of Kings, Comic #1), tells the never-before-told story of Delinna Alder’s journey into exile and of the tragic romances that will eventually tear nations apart and destroy worlds.
Read Betrayal (A Daughter of Kings, Comic #1) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/betrayal-robert-stanek/1103006560?ean=9781575458823
Then Deliverance (A Daughter of Kings, Comic #2) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/deliverance-robert-stanek/1102979844?ean=9781575458854
Then Rebirth (A Daughter of Kings, Comic #3) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rebirth-robert-stanek/1102970447?ean=9781575458861
And finally Discord (A Daughter of Kings, Comic #4) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/discord-robert-stanek/1100536265?ean=2940012655691
Robert Stanek has also written many other novels and short stories, and is well-known for his Bugville children's picture books, which includes many Bugville Jr, Bugville Learning, and Bugville Critters books. There's a list of his books at http://stanek.reagentpress.com/book_list.htm.
Several reader favorites include Remember Their Manners (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/remember-their-manners-robert-stanek/1026826596?ean=9781575458915) and Explore the Solar System (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/explore-the-solar-system-robert-stanek/1026826763?ean=9781575458939).
To learn more about him, read Meet Robert Stanek (http://stanek.reagentpress.com/robert_stanek.htm) which talks about all the places his books have been featured and reviewed.
Around the web:
Robert Stanek web site http://www.robertstanek.com/
Ruin Mist http://www.ruinmist.com/
Magic Lands http://www.themagiclands.com/
Bugville Critters http://www.bugvillecritters.com/
Robert Stanek Books I Love
If you have children ages 0 to 8 and you haven't read Bugville Critters, you need to. They're all witty and fun with pictures as gorgeous as the words. One of my favorite of his Bugville children's books is Pirates Stole My Booty.
Another children's book recommendation is Twelve Dresses One Star.
Have A Spooktacular Halloween is fantastic too.
In fiction, I recommend The Pieces of the Puzzle. It's my #1 favorite of his work.
My final recommendation is Mark of the Dragon, the grand finale of his Ruin Mist Chronicles.
My long way of saying, Robert Stanek, you're my inspiration. You deserve support and much success. You earned it.