Summer of Indie guest author is Karen Magill, author of paranormal romance and
adventure novels. Forced to leave the workforce in 2000 by the onslaught of MS,
Karen saw this as an opportunity to explore her lifelong desire to write.
Initially she explored other areas of writing before deciding that her future
lay with creating novels. We talked with author Karen Magill about two of her
books: Let Us Play, A Rock ‘n Roll Love
Story, and The Bond, A
Paranormal Love Story.
Let Us Play, A Rock
‘n Roll Love Story:
The Bond, A Paranormal Love Story:

After hearing more about the quirky and unique premises of her books, we
held a short interview with author Karen Magill to find out more about her and
her style of writing:
Why did you start writing?
I come from a family of artistic people. My grandmother was a published author
and I have been writing since I could put words together. It is a form of
escape for me.
What do you like most about writing?
I like creating new worlds. I like being in control of the lives of these
characters and deciding their futures.
What do you like most about writing Paranormal?
What do you like most about self-publishing?
I like the control I have over what happens with my book. I decide what happens
to the cover, the content, where to place my books in the marketplace. I only
have to wait for people to do things that I can’t. Like design covers, I can’t
do that one. And an outside editor.
What mistake do you feel self-publishers and/or writers make most often?
Too many people rush their projects to completion. They think that they have to
write three, four, or more books a year and get them out to the public. I would
rather write one good book a year and have people love that one rather than
saturate the market. In addition, so many writers forget that marketing is such
a essential tool. We have to come out of our dream world sometimes and face
Where do you get your covers?
I want all my covers to be originals; I don’t like using stock covers, so I get
artists to design them. For The Bond, A Paranormal Love Story, an artist I had
met on a fan site designed it for me. For the Turkish version of The Bond, the
publishing house in Turkey used an artist on site. For Let Us Play, A Rock ‘n
Roll Love Story, a friend’s boyfriend in England designed it.
Q: How has the fact that you have multiple sclerosis affected your writing?
First of all, having MS has given me the time to truly look into where I want
to go with writing and allowed me the opportunity to spend more time on it. It
also forces me to manage my time better. I can’t sit for five or more hours on
the computer writing and promoting because I get too tired and that will affect
me for days after. I have to regulate my time and energy and find easier ways
to do things.
Is there anything you would like to tell aspiring writer that are reading this?
Don’t give up. I have been writing for over twenty years and it looks like I
may finally be getting some recognition for my work. Have a good editor look at
your work. Get a fantastic cover and listen to those who have gone before you
and done well. Above all, learn to market your work.

You can find author Karen Magill online at: