Our next guest author, Tom Hobbs, is an
independent author who also runs the website www.kindlemojo.com, which promotes
independent authors. He recently has released three novels, all of which are
novelized versions of screenplays he has written by the same titles. Summer of
Indie talked with Tom Hobbs about his novels, The Blue Goose, Trauma Junkie, and Twilight on the Amber Cliffs.
Blue Goose:
A USAF Security Forces Novel.
In 1981 the hostages in Iran had been released, the Russians were the bad guys, Reagan was the commander and chief, and the DM to Dollar exchange rate was peaking at an all time high since World War II.
In 1981 the hostages in Iran had been released, the Russians were the bad guys, Reagan was the commander and chief, and the DM to Dollar exchange rate was peaking at an all time high since World War II.

The free world was in turmoil, and needed someone
to secure it. At least according to the Lieutenant.
Spicher Air Force Base was located in a rural
section of Central Germany known as the Eiffel
Mountains. It was up to Sergeant Anthony Harris
and the rest of the USAF Security Policemen assigned to the 44th Squadron, Delta Flight to make sure that the world stayed free, or that at least their small corner of it did.
“Gentlemen, war is hell, even in peacetime.”
The Lieutenant had actually once said that to the
flight during guardmount, and he meant it.
What happens when a suicidal paramedic falls
in love with an ambulance-chasing reporter?

years ago his infant son passed away in his crib sending his life into a tail
All he
has left is saving lives, and saving them on his terms. That's not enough.
Brooklyn, a fiery red headed stringer, who works the overnight selling video
and stills to the New York media and she's had a long standing crush on Brian.
She's out
to prove that a paramedic isn't the only one who can save a life.
on the Amber Cliffs
is a small town cowboy turned New York City reporter. Hope never left the small
town. 25 years ago they fell in love in high school. Only one problem, she was
the daughter of the Mormon Bishop and he the outsider who happened to be
Catholic... and in 1977 rural Utah that mattered . In 2006 he is returning to
Utah for the funeral of his best friend - who married Hope.
About Tom Hobbs

Tom moved with his wife, Robin, and their children Rush, Ari, Chris, and Nadia from San Diego to New York City just four days before 911. After that he went to work as an EMT and later on as a Paramedic. He currently works as a freelance Social Media Marketer in Brooklyn. He writes in his spare time.
Tom runs the website www.kindlemojo.com
that promotes Independent Authors.
can contact Tom Hobbs at: tom@kindlemojo.com.
Comments are always welcome.
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