Before getting into the
details of their book, we asked author Brooklyn Hudson to give us some brief
details about their background:
Brooklyn Hudson was born and
raised in New York City's borough of Staten Island. She currently resides in
Los Angeles where she produces The Springsteen Experience, a theatrical concert
event; she is a replica-rock (tribute show) concert promoter and band manager,
and has been writing fiction since she was old enough to hold a pencil. She
credits Stephen King for her devout adoration of adult dramatic horror and is
currently fast at work on the WISHBONE screen adaption and WISHBONE Part II.
After finding out more about the author, we asked Hudson to give
us a deeper look into Wishbone:
A Manhattan power couple
survive a tragedy and attempt a fresh start only to be plagued by unexplained
and disastrous occurrences...be careful what you wish for.

Living a successful though austere lifestyle on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Julien has recreated himself, building emotional walls that even his young wife cannot penetrate.
Though somewhat moody, Julien is a good man with a heart of gold, and a great sense of loyalty and responsibility; enabling his wife, Rachael, to turn a blind eye to his tightly-kept secrets.
Rachael is thirty-two years old; an art dealer and playful free spirit, but after a home invasion assault leaves her emotionally unstable and destroys their care-free and content world, they relocate to a safer environment with the hope of a fresh start.
Kings Hollow is a quaint town, nestled in the serene Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. At first, their new home appears to be the miracle they prayed for, until a traditional children's game begins to destroy their bliss; Rachael is no longer herself and Julien is experiencing a string of bad luck and unfortunate accidents.
At the center of it all is seventeen-year-old Sarah, a part-time caretaker on the property.
Can Julien and Rachael escape the nightmare of Kings Hollow...or is this just Wishful thinking?
WISHBONE is a multi-layered thriller incorporating several sub-plots; in the vein of Pet Sematary, What Lies Beneath, Misery and Stir of Echoes. Dramatic horror at its best, Brooklyn Hudson takes you on a suspenseful roller coaster ride of emotional turmoil and shocking events.
After finding out more about the thrilling Wishbone, we interviewed author Brooklyn Hudson to find out more
about their work:
Can you tell us more about why you started writing?
A: I began writing at such a young age that I can only
attribute this to a calling. I think I figured out pretty young, or
perhaps someone had told me, that the television shows, movies, (and books)
were penned by invisible people who made up stories purely for my
entertainment. I was a story teller at a very young age. I would talk an ear off any chance I got and
would openly embellish because it earned me attention and laughs from adults. I was a dreamer…who often dreamed out loud. My earliest memory of writing was during a
first grade assembly. Bored to tears by
the speaker, I began writing these short paragraphs of fiction showcasing each
of my classmates. My teacher noticed and
I thought I was about to get into trouble.
She scanned the notebook and when we finally returned to our classroom,
she suggested I read them to the class for show Show n’ Tell. From there on, I was hooked and continued to write
throughout life.
Q: Can you give us some more background about your books?
A: I
have thirteen novels collecting dust bunnies beneath my bed. I’ve never done anything with them, until
now. I wrote WISHBONE and decided to
write full-time. I have many ideas to get on paper but will eventually go back
to some of those novels collecting dust and possibly re-work them for
publishing. Keeping a roof over my head
has kept fiction writing no more than a passionate hobby for the past
decades. My aim now is to focus on
writing as a career. However, writing has earned me money in the past, most
often in the form of animal behavior and dog training manuals.
you give us more details about your book?
A: WISHBONE is a supernatural thriller with
horror undertones. The message behind it
is the dangers of greed, but if you delve deeper, it is a tale of love and
loyalty. I chose to publish this novel first and now because in forming two
groups of beta-readers (most of which were then strangers) the story caused
such a strong response. People were talking about the book constantly and
really interacting the way people gather around the water cooler to discuss
reality shows…with passion and opinions.
It seemed to affect them to the point of being protective of the
characters and even caused a few fights in the chat room. As I watched this all unfold I couldn’t help
but think…this is it! This is the one.
They loved these characters as much as I did. I had entertained them to a level
where the characters had felt real. I still and always will worry about my
writing style and overall skill, but when it boils down, the most important
thing is to create a compelling story with realistic characters. And while I strive for perfection, everything
else is what editors are for.
Q: Where
can people get your book?
A: Amazon Author Page: (Print & Kindle)
Smashwords: (Nook & More) www.smashwords.com/books/view/135635
Q: In
your book, who is your favorite character?
A: My absolute favorite character in WISHBONE is
Julien Grenier (main protagonist). I
kind of feel bad for all future men in my life because Julien is who I will now
hold them up against (wink wink!). I
adore him for all of his flaws. But if
you were to ask me who my favorite character is to write is; I would have to say Sarah. Sarah was such a challenge because with no
visual medium, I was forced to find a way to convey a mute, autistic’s wants,
needs, and behaviors, minus the use of dialogue. Giving her a dialogue-less voice became second nature
at some point, but readers have brought this up to me often, stating that they grew
to fully understand her, so somehow I did step up to meet that challenge and
readers noticed.
Q: What's
your favorite indie book that you've read recently?
A: It’s
very hard for me to pick favorites but
I recently read a book called DENIED INNOCENCE by William Alexander
which I found very compelling.
Q: What's
your favorite book of all time?
A: Cujo
by Stephen King. It is my favorite
because it was my first adult novel and also the book that introduced me to
King and the genre I wanted to write in. From there on the deal was done.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
A: Oh, allow me to be original here…Stephen
King. I know you probably hear that a
lot, but it’s the truth. King is our rockstar of writing and while his style
and skill can be debated till doomsday, he is clearly the greatest author
success story of my lifetime. The guy can tell a story and we can’t take that
away from him. If I can be 1/16th
as prolific as King, I can someday go to my grave feeling a success. Peter
Benchley is another favorite. Michael Crichton too.
Q: Do
you have any advice for new writers?
A: Write, write, and write some more. And write for yourself…not to get rich, not
to be famous. Just write, and write what
you love to write about. Your audience
might not be your best friend or your college professor, but I guarantee you
there is an audience out there for what you like to write about, just waiting to
read and dig your work.
Q: What's
next for you (in your writing)?
A: I am currently finishing up the second draft
of the WISHBONE screen adaption and also working on WISHBONE Part II. I hope to have both completed and rockin n’
rollin by summer, then move on to some of the other ideas I have sketched out
in my brain. One in particular has a thread of Munchausen Syndrome (not
by-proxy) running through it; another has to do with revenge and
Q: Anything else you'd like to tell us?
A: 1. I write, produce and direct replica-rock
shows. Not unlike tribute bands, only more of a theatrical concert production.
2. I trained animals for film, television, and
commercials (humainly!). I am a lover of animals and have worked with both
domestic and wildlife; rescue, rehabilitation, and training, for decades.
3. I am a chain-smoking, nocturnal, reality show junky.
Author Brooklyn Hudson also gave us ten interesting facts
about herself to share with readers:
2) Currently lives in L.A.
3) Producer of theatrical
concert events and replica-rock shows (Las Vegas and Touring)
The U2 Experience
The Tom Petty Experience
The Neil Young Experience
...and more
4) Reads mostly writing manuals
these days, but Horror/Thrillers
5) Inspired by: Stephen King,
Peter Benchley, Dean Koontz
6) Is writing full time
7) Currently working on:
WISHBONE II (working title)
WISHBONE Screen Adaption
Sticks & Stones (working
Eye of the Beholder
Chat Room (working title)
8) Short term goal:
To complete the WISHBONE screen
adaption, WB II, and relocate back to NYC
9) Long term goal:
To see WISHBONE on the big
screen, own a state-of-the-art log home on the coast of Maine
10) Favorite Quote: We are the
music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~Willy Wonka
To find author Brooklyn Hudson online you can visit:
Their blog: http://www.brooklynhudson.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BrooklynHudsonAuthor
Twitter: @brooklynhudson_
This interview was done a while back. here is the proper link for WISHBONE...