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This Mortal Coil. After the Machines |
Robert Stanek has devoted hundreds of hours to Go Indie, Read Indies and related indie author initiatives. He's never asked for anything in return, so we're asking for him: Support an author who has supported you and other authors his entire 20+-year writing career.
Books We're Reading or Plan to...
Building Blocks for Effective Writing: 6 Keys to Success
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a more effective writer? In Building Blocks for Effective Writing, the #1 bestselling authors behind Team Indies share their insights and experience on what it takes to be a more effective writer.
In this clear, concise, no-nonsense guide, Team Indies takes your hand and leads you step-by-step through the same process that has helped them and hundreds of authors like them stay on task, complete work they start and become effective writers.
Amazon Link to Book amzn.com/B00U5MAHC4/
Writing Well: Avoiding Last-minute Gotchas in Your Writing
The Kindle self-publishing revolution is here! Are you in? Writing Well: Avoiding Last-minute Gotchas reveals the proven approach that many bestselling authors are using to make their writing better and avoid last-minute gotchas that frustrate readers.
This guide is for aspiring authors and established pros alike who want to get self-publishing right and make their work sing. Are you ready to explore the steps you should take to proof your work after editing?
Don’t click Publish without reading this book.
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00U5OFVSW/
Those Eyes: A love story
by Marc Richard
Genre: Romance, Humor
We are more than just a sack of blood and bones. We humans are capable of one of the more complex yet basic human emotions. We call it "love", and it is governed by forces far greater than you and me. It usually comes when we stop searching. This is a tale of love lost, then found, then lost, then found...
Marc Richard writes in several genres, including horror, romance, science fiction, and literary fiction. Originally hailing from Rumford Maine, he calls Portland Maine his home.
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00QE3K33G/
Author Amazon page: amazon.com/author/marcrichard
Genre: Fantasy, Contemporary
After the grisly murder of a dirty magic coven leader, Kate Prospero and The Magical Enforcement Agency team up with the local police to find the killer. When a tenacious reporter sticks her nose in both the investigation and Prospero's past in the covens, old ghosts resurface. As the infighting between covens turns ugly, an all-out war brews in the slums of Babylon.
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00LLIJ1NC
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorJayeWells
Author Twitter handle: @jayewells
Genre: Mystery
Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She’s even started to feel like she knows them. “Jess and Jason,” she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. Not unlike the life she recently lost. And then she sees something shocking, something that changes everything.
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00L9B7IKE
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/PaulaHawkinsWriter
Author Twitter handle: @paulahwrites
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00L9B7IKE
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/PaulaHawkinsWriter
Author Twitter handle: @paulahwrites
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Stories, verse, a Doctor Who story and a new tale that revisits the world of American Gods.
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00KPV9PIW
Author Twitter handle: @neilhimself
The Decision Maker's Guide To Senior Care & Assisted Living
by Dee Abbott
If you are contemplating this book then it is safe to presume you have at least accepted either your own mortality, or that of someone close to you. You, or someone you love and care about, are getting old. Whoever it is will be in need of assistance sooner, or later, maybe even right now and that is a scary thing for all of us to deal with. But it won’t go away and it won’t get ‘better’, so the sooner it is faced and dealt with, the better.
Genre: Horror / Paranormal
Jonathan wakes up in a desert, his past wiped from his head. He’s alone having no clue who and what he is, where he has come from and where he should go. There is only one way – forward when he spots a little town in the distance.
Amazon Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KQK58N8
Author Twitter handle: @surenfant
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Suren-Fant/289872801030031?ref=bookmarks
Genre: Horror
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OJDSYAC
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/aaron.scott.writer
Author Twitter handle: @aaronscott71
Genre : Horror/Post-Apocalyptic
When a young woman knocks on Ryan's door everything changes. The dead are rising and he has to face the facts. His days as a quiet serial killer in the north of England are at an end. He has to work with others to survive and for the first time he can experience the thrill of killing the dead as well as the living.
Amazon Link : http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KDQZHO0
Author Twitter Handle : Richard@rhayn4
Air War: Combat Crew. Based on the Inspiring True Story
by Robert Stanek
The true story of the Air War and the Combat Crew. You’ll never look at the skies over your head the same again. "Candid and fast-paced like the best combat memoirs, Stanek focuses on the men and women he flew with, telling their stories as well as his own and creating what is ultimately an inspiring and uplifting story of the human spirit challenged by the agony and terror of war. Based on the inspiring true story."
Originally released as Stormjammers, this new edition of the popular memoir for a new generation of readers provides the true story of the combat crew: the men and women who flew dangerous combat and combat support missions during the largest air war of the 20th century. Includes a new forward, additional notes and many extras.
"The book quickly becomes hard to put down. Even though the reader can anticipate what a mission will be like, the tedium gives over to an adrenalin rush of anticipation when things begin to happen. It is impossible not to share the relief and pride of the individual crew members..." --The Journal of Electronic Defense
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00NYK3YKG/
Book Genre: Horror, Science Fiction>Post-Apocalyptic
The accidental release of a contagion into the waters of a swamp combine with a previous toxic spill, and a new contagion is formed. The poisonous chemical transforms the creatures of the swamp and the citizens of a local small town into undead mutants.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MS9E0LQ
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/authorvictoriachampion
Author Twitter handle: http://twitter.com/authorVictoriaC
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/authorvictoriachampion
Author Twitter handle: http://twitter.com/authorVictoriaC
Genre: Horror
The true confessions of a zombie. Recounting the years of his life, the zombie tells a hauntingly beautiful story full of startling revelations, danger and death, heart and hunger. This is a story of how the zombie came to be. A story of his eternal life and the curse of that life. A story that powerfully conveys the depth of fear and horror, the ineradicable spirit of conflict, the raw and vivid nature of the beast that lives within us all.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Interview-Zombie-When-Night-Calling-ebook/dp/B00HWISUCI/
Author Twitter handle: @EmilyAsimov
Genre: Horror
Following a brutal attack by six boys Lola withdraws into her own world. That is until the boys start to die in the most horrible ways. Who is taking revenge? Her special forces father who could tear them apart with his bare hands. The local pedophile who enjoys young boys and likes to play rough? The father of the last girl they raped or is something ancient and evil prowling the town looking for revenge?
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Tears-Occult-Novel-Horror-Gore-ebook/dp/B00P81L7T4/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HorrorBooks.CGebbie
Author Twitter handle: @CarolineGebbie
Genre: Horror
Searching for her lost brother, Amy Jackson returns to her isolated hometown in the Appalachian Mountains. But Blackwood has changed. Now it’s run by a mysterious drug lord who has something more lethal than guns to protect him. He has demons—more vicious, venomous demons than even Hieronymus Bosch ever dreamed of—and after Amy witnesses an unspeakable atrocity he unleashes all the frenzied furies of hell against her.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Demon-Frenzy-Harvey-Click-ebook/dp/B00NCHZT22
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/harvey.click
Genre: Crime Thriller/Horror
When single mother Meredith sleeps with an attractive young intern named Christian Morgan, she thinks it's just a one night stand. But Christian has much bigger plans. Soon Meredith finds herself on a desperate one-woman quest to rescue her kidnapped son from her spurned former lover.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/So-Damn-Beautiful-The-Lonely-ebook/dp/B00I57NJXA/
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/FictionFugitive
Author Twitter handle: @FictionFugitive
Genre: Science Fiction
Salvatore Antonelli, a disgraced bishop, and Benito Castillo, a young tech-priest fresh out of Seminary, are tasked by the Vatican to confront DAMON-1, a nuclear-capable AI who claims to be Satan incarnate, returned to the world to bring about Armageddon. As the two clergy battle to purge Satan from the AI's core, the bishop is forced to play a deadly game with billions of lives in the balance, while the young priest must confront Satan's digital persona within the network.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K2FC2ZO
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/angryauthor
Author Twitter handle: @Angry_Games
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/angryauthor
Author Twitter handle: @Angry_Games
Genre: Science Fiction
Lionel lives the quiet life in Pittsburgh. He has two children, an ex-wife, a seat at his favourite bar—all he needs to be happy. Fang Jie works in a Chinese factory, making the latest generation of augmented-reality eyewear, his life an unbroken routine of fourteen hour shifts and disappointment. Each should be oblivious to the other’s existence—but one day their dreams collide.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HPAFNY6
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004720036439
Author Twitter handle: @PHemplow
Genre: Sci-fi
Aliens seeking a new world to inhabit dispatch Annie to Earth, the only planet within reach with suitable resources.
Seventeen-year-old Mark lingers at his bedroom window when a fiery object streaks across the sky and impacts at a nearby farm. Mark investigates and discovers Annie.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H6AO71K
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/al.stevens.169
Author Twitter handle: @stevens_al
Genre: Science Fiction
Emily wakes to find that her world has plummeted into darkness--the clouds have spilled out of the sky and taken the sun. And there is more to the mist than just the dangers of being blind--the fog is poison, killing everything in its path.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Going-Gray-Book-1-ebook/dp/B00IGY6JDO/
Author Twitter handle: @WrittenByBrian
Genre: Post-apocalyptic thriller
Joseph Paladin is a national hero everyone thought they knew - a former major in the United States Army, retired colonel in the Maine Republic Militia, and considered one of the key founders of the New American Confederation. His legendary odyssey to reunify a fractured nation in the aftermath of the great flu pandemic is a household story. In his long awaited memoir, Paladin shares untold stories and shocking secrets.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Paladins-Odyssey-Bruce-Fottler-ebook/dp/B00OYZPJ8A
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/PaladinsOdyssey
Genre: Sci-Fi, Dystopia, alternate future history
It's 2084 in Topeka. The Church of the Evangels run the country through the Pastor President, pastor governors and pastor legislators, ruling with a Bible in each fist and the computer in your hovel. Work on the new state cathedral in Topeka provides the economic stimulus for that region. The son of a mason reminds everyone what redemption is all about. Don't miss Stoning Fridays in Fred Phelps Plaza.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Rabbletown-United-Christian-States-America-ebook/dp/B005DLZZTM/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/randy.attwood.5
Author Twitter handle: @attwoodrandy
Genre: Science Fiction
When forces more powerful than she's ever known rise all around her, Freya begins to slip away from her destiny and question her ability to lead. The girl with hands of light loses her sense of purpose and must depend on the love and guidance of many to prepare for the final chapter in the battle for Earth.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Rise-Saviors-Book-5-Plantation-ebook/dp/B00JNO2PZM/
Author Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/StellaSamiotouFitzsimons
Genre: Science fiction, space opera
Sethran Kada wakes up with a headache and an extraordinary alien aboard his ship. She implores him to help stop the abductions of her people, a newly evolved species emerging from subspace. When contact with her kind turns pilots into casualties, the ruling Commonwealth fears an imminent invasion engineered by their rebel enemies.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IPZSWWU
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorChrisReher
Author Twitter handle: @Chris_Reher
Genre: Science Fiction
A top-secret pharmaceutical company and the U.S. military experiment with serums and vaccines in an Ebola treatment camp inside Liberia and unwittingly unleash a side effect they desperately hope to control.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.comdp/B00NNWXKQS/
Author Twitter handle: @marilynpeake
Genre: Historical Fantasy
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Time-Shadows-Out-ebook/dp/B00OX3QDYW/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Monique-Martin-Author/132268193491541
Author Twitter handle: @_moniquemartin_
Genre: Fantasy Adventure
For an untold millennia, the harsh frozen wastelands was ruled by the immortal King of Winter. No one dared challenge his dominance until the Crimson Wizard and his followers took up residence in the heart of his realm, creating a mystical town.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G2QD3CI/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/williamscollettibooks
Author Twitter handle: @Johnno_JJL
Genre: Fantasy
It has only been a few, short seasons, but for Jira Santree, it seems like a lifetime since she left the quiet life on the farm. Now she is the Matriarch of the Dragon Back Clan for a lair that has been empty of dragons for a long time.
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorSFSwem
Author Twitter handle: @SFSwem
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Prince Se’ls, one of the magical flower Kin, has a terrible secret – he has no magic. Forced by his mother, the Queen, to tour the empire to search for his magical companion, Se’ls is terrified of returning home empty handed. Arara, long-furred runt and joke of her pack, is dreading the upcoming hunt. Arara is terrified that her superstitious pack will tear her apart if they learn her secret, that she was born telepathic and telekinetic. With assassins and dark plots threatening the empire, Prince Se’ls and Arara must band together to save it, or perhaps to destroy it.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Flowers-Fang-Madison-Keller-ebook/dp/B00MWM0OQO
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMadisonKeller?ref=hl
Author Twitter handle: @maddiekellerr
Genre: Paranormal
Melena Sanders faced her fair share of danger with insurgents and terrorists when she served in the U.S. Army, but now she is about to go up against a new threat. Her best friend, Aniya, has disappeared while on a trip to Fairbanks, Alaska—a supernatural haven. Most humans have no idea darker races lurk amongst them. Mel knows better. If she wants to get her friend back, she’s going to have to go in alone—but not unarmed.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Darkness-Haunts-Book-Sensor-Series-ebook/dp/B00B0RSNG0/
Author Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/SusanIllene1
Author Twitter handle: @susan_illene
Breaking Big: How Bestseller Lists Work & How Successful Authors Get on Them
Are you struggling to grow your writing career? Are you tired of wondering what exactly it means to be a bestseller or to have a bestseller?
No matter what your definition of success is, each one of us out there has dreamed of being a bestselling author.
Success of this magnitude doesn't have to continue to be a dream. It can be a reality.
To become a bestseller, however, you must understand the business of publishing. You must learn what "bestseller" means and how "bestseller lists" work. You must learn how other authors are climbing onto bestseller lists. When you become a bestselling author, you must know how to properly state this in your marketing materials and on your book covers.
No matter your writing level or ability, whether you feel like you have no chance of success - know that by being informed about these important issues and simply understanding how all this works, you will be better prepared for success and to claim your bestseller status when it happens.
Amazon Link to Book amzn.com/B00U5MMQ8W/
Genre: Urban Fantasy
For Dante Butcher, Los Angeles ghost hunting isn't a business, it's a pastime. Going to clubs, knocking back a few drinks, even taking the occasional punch are all in a night's work. But cool confidence doesn't prepare Dante for what begins in a piss-soaked bathroom. The Dead Side opens up a whole new world to him, and for the first time, it's the ghosts that are hunting Dante.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L9UICD2
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DominoFinnBooks
Author Twitter handle: @DominoFinn
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Carda Chase is the Strider of Chronos. But figuring out what that means may cost him his life. Struggling through high school in Phoenix, Arizona was hard enough, but now Carda's hands are burning with magical fire and lightning. Worse, they affect time and space.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GS012TE/
Author Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/kessie.carroll
Genre: Fantasy (ya)
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K1EL76Q
Author Facebook page: www.facebook.com/writezalot
Author Twitter handle: @writezalot
Genre: Fantasy
The Free Nations Army desperately scrambles to prepare for war not only with the High King, but the looming threat of an invasion force determined to enslave them all. Aaron is held captive on the Hythariam home world that’s only weeks away from being destroyed. With the barrier between worlds down there is little chance that Aaron will be able to return to Safanar.
by Lexi Revellian
Genre: Fantasy
When Tor saves the Princess from the fire-breathing dragon and delivers her to the handsome knight she is destined to marry, nothing is quite as it seems; the dragon hasn't breathed fire for years; the Princess and her suitor don't hit it off; and Tor shouldn't be in the rebel cavalry at all because she's a woman.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Torbrek-Dragon-Variation-Duology-Book-ebook/dp/B005N8X3J4/
Author Website: http://www.lexirevellian.com/
Author Twitter handle: @LexiRevellian
Bound by Dean Murray
Genre: Urban Fantasy
For shape shifter Alec Graves, nothing is more important than family.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Bound-Urban-Fantasy-Novel-Reflections-ebook/dp/B00HZ60430/
Guardians & Dragons (The Complete Quintet)
by Robert Stanek
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Myth. Legend. Dream. A kingdom torn apart and left for crows. Those exiled plot their return. The conquerors, to exterminate the rebels who remain.
Memories born in fire have been cleansed with ice. New heroes born while ancients perish.
GUARDIANS & LEGENDS, an epic fantasy quintet, tells the story of the epic adventures that brought hope to those with none in places where men walk in ice and fire. This bundle includes five novels.
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00TAHX1NM/
Author Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/robertstanekauthor
Author Twitter handle:@robertstanek
Glamour of the God-Touched by Ron Collins
Genre: Fantasy
Garrick is a mage’s apprentice, soon to be a full-fledged sorcerer. The course of his life is clear—he will be an apprentice, a mage, and then a superior. But a tragic accident finds him wielding a god-like power over life and death, and as rumors of mage war grow stronger around him, he learns his future is not fated to be as simple as he dreamed.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OX46EX6
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ron.collins.733450
Author Twitter handle: @roncollins13
Genre: Urban Fantasy
For shape shifter Alec Graves, nothing is more important than family.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Bound-Urban-Fantasy-Novel-Reflections-ebook/dp/B00HZ60430/
Guardians & Dragons (The Complete Quintet)
by Robert Stanek
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Myth. Legend. Dream. A kingdom torn apart and left for crows. Those exiled plot their return. The conquerors, to exterminate the rebels who remain.
Memories born in fire have been cleansed with ice. New heroes born while ancients perish.
GUARDIANS & LEGENDS, an epic fantasy quintet, tells the story of the epic adventures that brought hope to those with none in places where men walk in ice and fire. This bundle includes five novels.
Amazon Link to Book: amzn.com/B00TAHX1NM/
Author Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/robertstanekauthor
Author Twitter handle:
Genre: Fantasy
Garrick is a mage’s apprentice, soon to be a full-fledged sorcerer. The course of his life is clear—he will be an apprentice, a mage, and then a superior. But a tragic accident finds him wielding a god-like power over life and death, and as rumors of mage war grow stronger around him, he learns his future is not fated to be as simple as he dreamed.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OX46EX6
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ron.collins.733450
Author Twitter handle: @roncollins13
Genre: Historically-Inspired Fantasy
Simon wanted to join the legions, escape a life of mediocrity, and bring respect to the family name. A border incursion by restive Scentari barbarians looked like that opportunity to transcend his roots, and fight for the glory of the Pazian Republic. Or so it seemed.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J3HOJ5I/
Author Facebook page: www.jamiemaltman.com/byjamiemaltman
Author Twitter handle: @jmaltman
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
There are ghosts and demons that wander among the living; they do not haunt in the traditional sense. Instead, they plague us. When George discovers he can see ghosts, he instinctually knows he must stop them. Although this makes no sense, it’s what he must do, because once he kills a ghost, its victim is healed.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/What-Haunts-Me-Ghost-Killer-ebook/dp/B00NH0QU40
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Margaret-Millmore/119138524865210
Author Twitter handle: @mmillmore
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Catherine walks in on her husband in bed with her best friend. What is a woman to do? It helps that she is a witch. Unfortunately, so is her husband. Before you can say spell battle, Catherine high tails it up the coast of California to clear her head. Lucky for her, she finds an Aussie hitchhiker. Can she face her husband in the awaiting spell battle? She'll have to get in her fun with her new fond boy toy while avoiding her ex-husband. Or will the Aussie get scorched in the foreplay?
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Never-Warlock-Beware-Warlocks-Novelette-ebook/dp/B00FNI0C98
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/marilyn.vix
Author Twitter handle: @MarilynVix
Genre: Fantasy
A cunning opportunist incites the people of Oasis to kill the local dragon because he wants Druid's swamp for suburban housing. The dragonslayer also intends to take over the government. The humans of Oasis hate and fear the dragon, but only he can save them from disaster. Who's brave enough to convince him he should bother? Can the dragon trust a kitten with attitude and two humans who hate and fear each other?
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Dragons-Dont-Guide-Destiny-Book-ebook/dp/B004MYFND4
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CMBarrett.Author
Author Twitter handle: @elfspirit
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery
When a band of Alodian outcasts crosses the border to Egypt, Pharaoh Kheper-Re invites them to compete in a grueling chariot race against his bodyguard, Commander Shenq. Determined to win, Commander Shenq and his team enter the race confronting the most brutal of obstacles. Not only must they beat the Alodians, they must also triumph over the desert jackals and the Imazi, a group of flesh-eating nomads.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Fowlers-Snare-C-M-T-Stibbe-ebook/dp/B00ND9O7ZO/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ClaireStibbe
Author Twitter handle: @CMTStibbe
Genre: Paranormal, shapeshifter
Rafael Stone is the King of the Gargoyle shapeshifters. He has spent the last thirty years helping to rebuild New Atlanta since the near Apocalypse. Kaya Kane is the New Atlanta Chief of Police. When a multiple homicide brings her face to face with the elusive Rafael Stone, her life will never be the same.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Rafael-Stone-Society-Book-1-ebook/dp/B00PR6158S/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/faithgibsonauthor
Author Twitter handle: @authorfgibson
Genre: Fantasy
Alyssa never could have imagined that her first accomplishment after high school in a small Mississippi town would be traveling to a land she'd never heard of and ascending to its throne as the new Elf Queen. But when her long-lost father, the Elf King, comes back for his daughter, that is exactly the future that he brings.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Prophecy-Elf-Queen-Kiirajanna-Book-ebook/dp/B00IY71D70/
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorStephenHKing
Author Twitter handle: @skingcharter
by Milla V
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Vivienne realizes she is dying. All she wants to do is see her daughter Giselle one last time and apologise. But Giselle no longer exists and it is Crow, a gender-queer anarchist who returns to a family home that is plagued by ghosts and violent memories. Crow unravels terrifying secrets, hoping to find closure at last.But can anyone survive the shadows that lurk behind the fairy tales?
Amazon Link to Book: http://amzn.com/B00JDPKV6Q
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Author.Carmilla.Voiez
Author Twitter handle: @carmillavoiez
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Be Careful What You Wish For, Some Dreams Take On A Life Of Their Own. It was just a matter of time... quantum leaps in technology, mind over matter, wars fought with thought, reality as malleable as clay. The Earth they knew was ravaged. Mankind finally had to face his darkest fears... and his own extinction. Their only hope was to fight fantasy with fantasy.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O9LI7KQ
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004193449137
by Laxmi Hariharan
Genre: YA Thriller, Dystopian
When Ruby Iyer's best friend is kidnapped by the despotic Dr Kamini Braganza, she will do anything to rescue him. Anything, including taking the help of the mysterious Vikram Roy, a cop-turned-rogue, on a mission to save Bombay. The city needs all the help it can get, and these two are the only thing standing between its total destruction by Dr Braganza's teen army. As Bombay falls apart, will Ruby be able to save her friend and the city? Will she finally discover her place in a city where she has never managed to fit in? And what about her growing feelings for Vikram?
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NB3CP9C
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/laxmihariharanauthor
Author Twitter handle: @laxmi
Genre: YA Dystopian, Romance
Everyone has a choice. Abide by the government’s rules and regulations and you may live the average life. Or you can become a Sweeper. Krissa Channing’s destination was clear until Braiden entered her life and clouded her future. Krissa’s future, which once seemed so promising, is compromised when her relationship with Braiden is forced by the hands of the government. The pressure of an automatic pairing pushes them both down a path they never dreamed they’d travel.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K6GIGRC/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004971341970
Author Twitter handle: @kristend732
Genre - Urban Fantasy
Hiding from his past and the rest of humanity at the top of the world, Marcus uncovers an ongoing struggle that has lasted for thousands of years, much worse than any terror plot, holding mankind's future in the balance. With time running out, limited resources and only a half-frozen stranger to help, he must stop a terrible bloodline of ancient tyrants and evil men bent on world domination and total destruction, before they kill the last magical creatures on Earth.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006E8EPX0
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorWilliamPetersen
Author Twitter handle: @WideWorldOfWill
Genre: Thriller
The Evans family sets out to destroy Christian influence in the U.S.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Times-Turmoil-Christian-Thriller-Saga-ebook/dp/B00C9S9W5A/
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/cliff.ball.author
Author Twitter handle: @cliff_ball
Genre: Military, Action/Adventure Thriller
John Paxton is a man who understands duty. As a highly decorated pararescueman in the Air Force, Paxton is commanded to lead a team on a dangerous mission—supposedly to rescue the pilot of a stealth fighter shot down over Serbia. Yet, nothing is as it seems. As the mission goes from bad to worse, Paxton uncovers a deadly plot that threatens National Security.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Say-Goodbye-Robert-Capko-ebook/dp/B004KAB9OC/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/robertjcapkofanpage
Author Twitter handle: @robertcapko
Genre: Mystery
Daisy Savage has everything she wants. A new husband. A bunch of kids. A charming old house. What she doesn't want is a dead body. When a frozen pipe in her home leads her and her husband downstairs, they find a hidden coal chute. And a corpse inside. Things become complicated when Daisy realizes she knew the victim and that the body was placed there to make Daisy look like the killer. Against her husband's advice, Daisy sets out to prove she's innocent.
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/jeff.shelby.9
Genre: Crime Fiction/Police Procedural
A Russian prostitute is dumped in a Washington Heights park and Detectives Kelli Storm and Eric Ryder get the call. A note found on the body containing her name and that of a former Russian mobster leads Kelli to an old nemesis, a Russian diplomat and the Russian Brotherhood. With the aid of an FBI contact, they uncover a criminal conspiracy between the Russians, a dangerous Mexican cartel and a notorious New York crime family. Kelli soon finds herself targeted by these organizations, all wanting to eliminate the threat to themselves and their livelihoods.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Eye-Storm-Kelli-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B00MRBB5P4/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKenHoss?ref=tn_tnmn
Author Twitter handle: @kennhoss
Genre: Paranormal Thriller
Claire is desperate to remember herself. When she meets William, his presence demanding attention, she’s overcome by the sense that she knows him. He sweeps into her bitter, colorless little life, unconcerned about hiding his quick movements and cold skin, and starts putting Claire back together piece by piece. William knows Claire and has the answers to questions she’s been asking for seven years. He also knows she has dangerous enemies.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Facade-Vampire-Story-Immortal-Memories-ebook/dp/B00NULJX8G/
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/rmwebbfiction
Genre: Mystery
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00O55H2NY/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wendy.jones1
Author Twitter handle: @WendyHJones
Genre: Thriller
A short story. When ebola reaches Washington D.C., the consequences are devastating. No one is safe, and the whole country is at risk. Ebola could change the course of history—forever.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Presidential-Crisis-Ebola-Lucas-Archer-ebook/dp/B00OP6R2TC
Genre: Military Thriller
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IEG7ULO/
Author Twitter handle: @philiplaos
Book Genre: Mystery / Thriller
What happens when curiosity becomes obsession? Luck is Jack Roman's middle name — and Chicago is his Empire. He lives to work, loves to play, and makes no commitments. But when the mysterious S. Wyatt moves into the adjoining penthouse, he's immediately drawn to her and pursues her into the nexus of her dangerous present and her enigmatic past.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Complicated-Creatures-Romantic-Suspense-Thriller-ebook/dp/B00JW98CPA/
Genre: Supernatural military thriller
Supersoldiers turned to living stone try and stop a demon-possessed centaur rampaging in Los Angeles.
Amazon Link to Book: http://amzn.com/B00LLEN6QY
Author Facebook page: http://facebook.com/C.E.Martin.1039
Author Twitter handle: @troglodad
Genre: Mystery / thriller
A beautiful forensic engineer hiding a tragic past reluctantly teams up with a troubled cop to stop a serial arsonist targeting churches.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Sign-m-petterson-ebook/dp/B00M69CLSM/
Genre: Thriller
Lieutenant Ben Keegan leaves the Navy after a decade of service. He's been shot, captured, tortured, blown up, taken shrapnel, and he suffers from six tours of combat. Ben starts teaching history at a university where he meets mysterious Lara. Lara is immediately intrigued with him. But, more importantly Ben is strongly drawn to her. There is one big problem: he is legally married and has a child. And, Ben is wrestling with problems from his many years in combat.
Amazon Book Link: http://www.amazon.com/Sense-Duty-Journey-Consulting-Guardians-ebook/dp/B00JQW76PA/
Genre: Christian Thriller
A former Navy SEAL-turned rogue agent carries out his own personal crusade against Islam after discovering his wife and daughter were kidnapped and executed by ISIS. The assassin is pursued by FBI agents and an inspector from Interpol. But can a Christian FBI agent and a Muslim inspector put aside their differences to catch the assassin - before someone else does?
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P91BJSC/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Knoxmissionbooks
Author Twitter handle: @Fortress23*
Genre: YA Mystery
Symphony is a teenager, and she’s trying to cope with all the trials, tribulations and self-doubt this time of life throws at us. Insecure, she suffers from terrible self-hatred, is very down about herself and is very worried about being ‘The Last Virgin Alive’ at 17.
Amazon Book Link: http://www.amazon.com/Last-Virgin-Alive-Stephanie-Crosby/dp/1495914887/
Author Twitter handle @Stephwashere2
Author Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/StephanieCwasHere
Genre: Thriller / Mystery
Detective Sergeant Alicia Friend is too nice to be a police officer, if she’s honest. She is also one of the most respected criminal analysts in the country, and soon finds herself in a cold northern town, investigating the kidnap-murders of two young women. But Richard—the father of the latest victim—launches a parallel investigation, utilizing skills honed in a dark past that is about to catch up with him.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O6FFWMQ/
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/authoraddavies
Author Twitter handle: @authoraddavies
Genre: Mystery
Matty Cruz’s life as a young retiree is finally coming together in Couper, Washington, a city nestled on the banks of the Columbia River—which also happens to have the highest violent-crime rate in the Pacific Northwest. But life is never that simple in Couper. Relationships sour, neighbors become vengeful, and someone even threatens her adorable, little terrier. If that isn't bad enough, a serial killer is loose in the city.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Devil-Lies-Couper-Matty-Mystery-ebook/dp/B00MSTX9YK/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/RMarquez/310202622468683
Author Twitter handle: @R_Marquez
Genre: Mystery/Detective
Never knowing where his next case will come from, Private Detective Jarvis Mann is thrilled when his voicemail is lit up by the sexy tones of a lady looking to hire him. Successful business woman Emily White with girl next door looks, is certain someone is stalking her and wants Jarvis to track down the elusive shadow. Navigating through each twist and turn in the case, and the affections of two desirable women both with an agenda, Jarvis uses dogged determination and razor sharp wit in Tracking a Shadow that moves across the Denver landscape with each shift in the sun.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MQHVKJA
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JarvisMannPI
Author Twitter handle: @RWeir720
Genre: Mystery/Thriller & Romantic Suspense
When Homicide Detective Mark Stevens receives a phone call to report to a bloody crime scene, he has no idea how his life is about to change. When he finds himself having feelings for the murder victim’s sister, he’s determined to remain professional. The new, ambitious prosecuting attorney can’t wait to sink his teeth into his first murder trial. Seemingly lucky for him, a murder victim’s body is found his first day on the job.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IEYRJLC
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LoriJamesPoeticJustice
Author Twitter handle: @AuthorLoriJames
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Suspense
Roger and Suzanne revisit South America to solve another deadly mystery. Accompanied by their son Robert and his jack-of-all-trades nanny Bruce, they take a vacation cruise through the Galapagos Islands, 600 miles west of Ecuador. En route, they visit the ancient Incan city and capital of Ecuador, Quito, the highest capital city in the Americas. Of course, Suzanne finds a dead body floating in the Pacific Ocean. As Roger and Suzanne retrace the path that Charles Darwin sailed and walked more than 175 years ago, the body count increases almost as fast as the clues.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K4KDL3O/
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/RogerAndSuzanneMysteries
Author Twitter handle: @JeroldLast
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
When Charlie’s fiancée is arrested for domestic terrorism, striving to prove her innocence draws him into a sadistic nightmare. Brutal, depraved and dangerous, the sadist’s reach is pervasive and global. Unwatched, he will rape or kill the most innocent. Undeterred, he will gather unsuspecting followers by the thousands. Unstopped, he will destroy the oldest and most powerful of institutions. When Linda is killed in custody, Charlie navigates a world of sex clubs, covert militias and unimaginable high-tech weapons. The result is a cascade of sex, action, thrills and death in search of truth that still may not clear her name.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NIBN7YY
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/caturek
Author Twitter handle: @caturek
Genre: Children's
The cats at Briarswood Cottage are lucky. After being rescued from the local Cats' Home by Ma Katz, they live out their days in luxury under the watchful eye of Buster, the mogfather. But all that's about to change...
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Its-Catastrophe-Sibel-Hodge-ebook/dp/B00A52PTD6/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sibel-Hodge-Author-of-romantic-comedy-and-comedy-mystery-books/246194485016
Author Twitter handle: @sibelhodge
Genre: Children's
Everything seemed to fall apart for Ty when his parents got a divorce. At his wits end after being bullied endlessly, he started to ditch school. It wasn't until he met up with a skater named Peacock that things somehow turned around and he put the pieces of his life back together.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Ty-Bull-Brenda-Perlin-ebook/dp/B00LK572S2/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Tythebull
Author Twitter handle: @brooklynandbo
by David Eastman
Genre: Children's
Captivating illustrations and carefully chosen words teach young children about friendship. This is a great story for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Giraffe-Elephant-Friends-Childrens-Picture-ebook/dp/B00MG3JHN0/
Genre: Children's Middle Grade
Steve, Matt, and Jenny always dreamed of being detectives. One day, their dream becomes reality when they discover a treasure map written over three hundred years ago. As the trio begins to search for the treasure, they attract the attention of an international jewel thief.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BDWXT48/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alba-Arango-Fan-Page/154973757900935?ref=hl
Author Twitter handle: @AlbaArango4
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure
Twelve-year-old Devin Reed is your average kid from Manhattan. That is until he inherits a 400 year old book and amulet necklace from his recently deceased grandfather. With book and amulet now in his possession, Devin discovers that he is the protector of a centuries old secret hidden in a cave deep beneath Central Park.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H6BOA4I/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RobertJamesJacobi
Author Twitter handle: @RobertJJacobi
Genre: Children’s
Vicky is left-handed and teased for being clumsy, but a visit from her Gran will change everything. Vicky wants to cheer her Gran up by embroidering a cushion as a gift, but Vicky is left-handed and she struggles to learn how to sew.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D30CIJU
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jan-Hurst-Nicholson/146733965390495
Author Twitter handle: Just4kixbooks
Genre: Romance
When Las Vegas personal trainer and raw vegan foods advocate, Marc Stafford comes home for the first time in four years, he meets Gianne Marvray at a family celebration. He is instantly attracted to her, but soon discovers she’s recovering from a catastrophic illness, and she is his father’s patient.
Marc is everything Gianne has always wanted in a man. He’s handsome, educated, motivated and family-oriented. And that’s the problem. Marc has his eye on marriage and family. Even though Gianne refuses to discuss any kind of commitment, he is bound and determined to change her mind.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EUH6M3S
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/chicki.brown
Author Twitter handle: @Chicki663
Genre: Romance
If Caroline can persuade Ross to accept the king’s crown, she may become his queen. But Ross, with fearless pirate’s blood in his veins, is about to take his yacht out into the teeth of a gulf storm. She can go with him or kiss the queen’s crown goodbye.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Queen-Night-Jennifer-Blake-ebook/dp/B00ME3PROK/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jennifer-Blake/132759236826871
Genre: General Fiction
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Fix-Michael-Balkind-ebook/dp/B00HSXUR9G/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-Balkind-Mysteries-More/527879950561481?ref=hl
Author Twitter handle: @michaelbalkind
Genre: Humor
Lucas Miller’s life is a mess. His marriage is in shambles. The horrible summer season has left his business on the verge of collapse and him teetering on the edge of a money pit so deep he has no hope of ever climbing out of. With yet another hurricane targeting the island, he isn’t sure things can get any worse.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J8OUSE2/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/KL-Phelps/174117839450336
Author Twitter handle: @KL_Phelps
Genre: Christian Fiction
On the trip back home from the mountains of North Carolina, Megan, Sam, and Seth are trapped in a massive forest fire. Judas, the evil angel, uses the disaster to his advantage. He leaves Seth with an impossible choice: to believe Judas when he says he will save Megan's life or ignore him and risk letting her perish in the fire.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Angel-Fire-Book-4-ebook/dp/B00PIUV85S/
Author Twitter handle: @lisagracebooks
Genre: Women's Fiction
When Kate’s husband, Ward, locates the son she put up for adoption as an unwed teen, she’s understandably wary. What if he looks like his father instead of Ward? The boy, now a man, is also wary. Who are these people who suddenly want him to be a part of their lives?
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Tomorrow-Blossoms-Joyce-DeBacco-ebook/dp/B006GCQBC2/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Joyce-DeBacco-Books/366780896683326?ref=hl
Author Twitter handle: @joycedebacco
Genre: Literary Fiction
Jack Caufield is a modestly successful corporate lawyer, an insignificant cog in the Wall Street machine. He’s resigned to playing a disappointing role in the system that he has come to disdain, until he learns that a tragic event in his past may not have been a coincidence.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Peripheral-Involvement-Bob-Waldner-ebook/dp/B00IEY5XTM/
Genre: Military-Cold War
A Cold War Mystery surrounding Jacob Walden, an Air Force Captain shot down over Vietnam in 1970 and the untold story of why he never returned home. Forty years later Journalist Ted Pratt investigates what may be the reappearance of Jacob Walden and encounters Charlie Smith, a secretive operative who may have answers to the question about “What Happened to Jacob Walden.”
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/Forgotten-Soldiers-Happened-Walden-ebook/dp/B007WMQWGK/
Author Facebook page: Forgotten Soldiers
Author Twitter handle: @warrenmartin195
When her ski instructor husband is delayed from returning to Scotland, it falls to Jude Winters - creative graphic artist, mother and home-maker - to get the season started for ailing White Cairns Ski School. It's a challenge that's way out of her comfort zone. How can she turn things around and keep the wolf from their door until he gets back?
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H2WE94C
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rozmarshallauthor
Author Twitter handle: @RozMarshallAuth
Genre: Historical Fiction
Adnan leads a weary existence as a bookshop owner in modern-day, war-torn Baghdad, where bombings, corruption and assault are everyday occurrences and the struggle to survive has suffocated the joy out of life for most. But when he begins to clean out his bookshop of forty years to leave his city in search of somewhere safer, he comes across the story of Ali, the Gardener of Baghdad, Adnan rediscovers that beauty, love and hope can still exist, even in the darkest corners of the world.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00M91LJGW
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AhmadArdalan799
Author Twitter handle: @Ardalan_Ahmad
Genre: Historical-Biblical Fiction
A would-be Pharaoh forced into exile and torn apart from his beloved must struggle to avenge the injustice by challenging the might of his ruthless enemy, the Egyptian Pharaoh.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O6TM1IA/
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/thechroniclesofmoses
Author Twitter handle: @Paul02645
Genre: Fiction anthologies / short stories
Five-minute reads. Meet people you will never forget: the night photographer, the gynaecologist's wife, the rescue dog. Dip into whatever suits your mood, from comedy to murders; from fantastic stories to blog posts, by way of love poetry.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/One-Sixth-Gill-collection-Jean-ebook/dp/B00MQKQQAA/
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/writerjeangill
Author Twitter handle: @writerjeangill
Genre: Historical fiction
1900 - Leo Kazan, baby son of a Russian diplomat and a Goanese heiress, is abducted then abandoned in a Bombay orphanage. A gifted linguist and charming thief, Leo becomes the protégé of an English Political Officer who turns him into a spy. During a visit to London in 1918, Leo meets Davina Dymond, an innocent English girl. He is then sent to St Petersburg. Davina is exiled to Spain, where she has Leo’s daughter. Shackled by old regimes, both eventually free themselves and achieve independence, then in 1936 they meet in Gibraltar. Love is still there, but they are very different people.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/The-Empress-Emerald-J-Harlond/dp/0992803624/
Genre: Fiction
Sent by the Space Engineering Program into space from Earth, with the help of a member from the Plato planet, the Anew's mission is to rescue the inhabitants of experimental orbs, now that they have been doomed by the evil corps Giggallow meant to take over the planet. With Captain karnack in the lead, Admiral Octavius from Platonius and the genome Zeta, travel across the galaxies following the Anew's quest. Will this rescue mission succeed? Find out what genetically modified species the crew will encounter on this mission and how events escalate between the crew, as they are sent by the Space program into the universe.
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OU8ZAH6/
Author Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/nadina.boun
Author Twitter handle: @nadinaboun
Genre: Fiction, Family Drama
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an Indian woman in possession of a son with an engineering degree, must be in want of a daughter-in-law with an outsized dowry. Which can be a problem when said son is vehemently opposed to dowry. He is also opposed to city living, to meddlesome neighbours, to wacky grandfathers and to caustic grandmothers. But when he’s blessed with all of the above, what’s man to do?
Amazon Link to Book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NFPVZ88
Author Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RasanaAtreyaAuthor
Author Twitter handle: @rasana_atreya
Great site.
ReplyDeleteKenneth Hoss
Thanks, Ken!
DeleteThank you so much, Robert. I appreciate all that you do.
ReplyDeleteThank you, CMT Stibbe!
DeleteThank you for featuring 'The Empress Emerald', Robert. Your site and effort is much appreciated. Do remember that the old saying "what goes around, comes around" is very true. Favours and help are returned eventually, one way or another. JGH
ReplyDeleteGlad you like the feature J.G. Thanks for your comments!