Summer of Indie's next guest author talked with us
about a book of a different genre than most of the books we have featured so
far. Self is a collection of short
stories that focus on self-discovery and parallel the seven heavenly virtues, and is written by Jess C Scott.
Self (Seven Heavenly Virtues Anthology)

Chastity | Temperance | Charity | Diligence | Patience | Kindness | Humility
SELF is a reflection of the journey of self-discovery and The Seven Virtues, where the only noble battle is the fight for inner personal freedom, spiritual health, goodness and growth.
Be awakened. Be empowered. Be inspired.

Jess Scott is an author/artist/non-conformist who’s dedicated to writing original stories that are both meaningful and entertaining. She writes in a variety of genres including erotic fiction, urban fantasy, young adult fiction, cyberpunk, and poetry.
As a creative professional, Jess experiments with a variety of genres and styles to produce “authentic, original work. . .rather than the same old re-packaged mass-market pulp” (Bibrary.com).
In a Word Riot interview, Jess mentions that the basic message in her work is “always the same: to be unafraid to be one’s true self.”
Most of Jess’s work is fueled by an intense drive to inspire others to favor social/spiritual values over shallow values.
Jess is also the founder of www.jessINK.com, an innovative publishing company that focuses on substance over short-term success with current fads and marketing hype.
Summer of Indie held a short interview with Jess Scott
to learn more about her as an author:
Q: Can you tell us more about your book?
A: I completed a satirical, pop culture inspired "seven deadly sins" anthology earlier in the year, which left me feeling kind of sullied by the time it was done (I titled it Bad Romance, since it links star-crossed lovers to each of the seven deadly sins). I decided to work on Self (a "seven heavenly virtues" anthology) since there are seven virtues that directly counter the deadly sins. The challenge was to create stories that kept to the themes, without getting overly preachy or predictable. I like a certain amount of 'edge' in most of my projects to keep things fresh and interesting.
Q: Can you tell us more about your book?
A: I completed a satirical, pop culture inspired "seven deadly sins" anthology earlier in the year, which left me feeling kind of sullied by the time it was done (I titled it Bad Romance, since it links star-crossed lovers to each of the seven deadly sins). I decided to work on Self (a "seven heavenly virtues" anthology) since there are seven virtues that directly counter the deadly sins. The challenge was to create stories that kept to the themes, without getting overly preachy or predictable. I like a certain amount of 'edge' in most of my projects to keep things fresh and interesting.
Q: You mentioned that you write in many different genres. Could you tell us more about why you don't have a separate pen name for each genre?
A: Writing is both a personal and social, artistic and commercial thing for me. I like being exploratory and experimental with creative work--I figured it'd probably be less confusing "in the long run" if I just kept everything under one name. One of the genres I specialize in is erotic literature, which I've no qualms standing by because my focus has always been on psychosexual themes (instead of explicitness, which would make things more "pornographic" than "erotic"). Sophisticated eroticism is something I've always enjoyed. I've nothing to hide there in terms of literary output, so...
Q: In your book, who is your favorite character?
A: I don't really have a favorite character. They're mostly composites of pieces of me and/or people that I know (personally or in a general sense). That's my personal way of crafting relatable characters :)
Q: Who are some of your favorite authors?
A: Classic authors, indie authors, authors of relationship fiction, fantasy, mysteries, and the writers behind celebrity gossip!
Q: Do you have any advice for new writers?
A: I recently wrote a self-publishing tips checklist which new writers might find useful (in response to an aspiring indie author asking for some help).
Q: What's next for you (in your writing)?
A: I'll be working on completing the Cyberpunk Elven Trilogy (an urban fantasy featuring cyberpunk elves), and maybe a dragon trilogy after that. I own www.dragonsinn.net and would like to finally put out a solid dragon-themed project.
Q: Can you tell us three interesting facts you'd like your readers to know?
1. I've a page of "favorite quotes" on my blog.
2. I've an adopted indoor/outdoor cat.
3. I'm pretty sure I was a medieval scribe in a past life.
Jess currently resides in Maine where she continues to create original stories that are both entertaining and meaningful.
You can find Jess C Scott online at her blog: www.jesscscott.wordpress.com
Her Facebook Author Page: www.facebook.com/jessINKbooks
Or her Twitter: www.twitter.com/jesscscott